Friday, December 26, 2014


Of course, we all say it! I'm going to do better next year, but do you? What do you do differently? Anything? Well, we want you to actually do better and see results at the end of 2015. First of all, dont wait until the beginning of 2015 to start a change. Get Ready! Get Ready! Get Ready! I have some ideas for you to choose from to have a better year than last! Let's get started! No matter what, you have got to have an accountability partner! Get someone that will hold you accountable to your dreams, visions, etc. Some people feel this is so silly yet it's important. Many times, we feel like we're adults and we can take care of ourselves. Just someone being in your corner pushing you to reach that goal is a much needed asset. When you think about deviating from the goal and your accountability partner calls, then you're back on track! Thank goodness! Let's say you set a goal that involves calling folks. You try and lessen the number of calls.
Your accountability partner is there to push you to make that call and more. He/she is there to push you to do things out of the ordinary. Maybe you keep saying you're going to write that book! You know you are not designating enough time to writing it! Guess what, that accountability partner may get on your nerves but you will become more cognizant of your goal and the work needed to make it come to fruition! Secondly, do something different. Okay, so you have been saving! Good for you! Well, this year take it a step higher. This year, complete more than one savings program. Have two or more programs and stay diligent and true to the program. Share your programs with someone else. What else can you do? Step out of your comfort zone. Increase your savings. $25 per month can be increased to $50 per month. Sounds scary? It's okay. You grow when you stretch your goals! Give back. It never hurts to give. Give your time to a youngster, elderly person, student having trouble with Mathematics, etc. Give back. You will feel so good for doing so.
Clean out your closet. You are not going to wear those clothes this upcoming year just like you didn't wear them last year. Give them to someone who needs them. Maybe a church member needs them. Maybe someone can use them at a shelter. Maybe you can just drop them off at Goodwill. What you dont want is someone else's treasure. Share. Give. Share. Give! Make 2015 your best year yet! Get started! Dont wait! Become a better you and make the world better.

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