Friday, January 2, 2015

You Didn't Know

Okay so your expenses are written down. Great! You have clarity on who you owe. You know that you pretty much have more month than money. So how can we earn more money to help tackle these bills? Here's an answer! Think of what skills you have! What skills do you have? What comes natural? What do you enjoy doing and could continue to do so without getting paid? What's your passion?
Can you write? Can you sing? Are you great with crafts? Maybe you are good at fixing computers or great at Mathematics? There's some need that you can fill for someone. Whatever your skill is somebody needs you. If you like creating jewelry pieces, you have a market. If you like to bake or cookie, somebody will eat it. Maybe you even like spreading The Word, you can create Tshirts with spiritual messages. I have a friend that does this right now and it's proven quite profitable! Just sit and think about what it is you are passionate about. Then think how you can generate income utilizing your talent. If you are having difficulties, just Google it! Look for ideas on Pintetest! Ask family and friends! I guarantee you there are numerous ways you will be able to add money to your household.
So here's a way to generate money by utilixing your skills and you didn't even know!

Monday, December 29, 2014

One Step to Letting It Go!

Be real with yourself. Things aren't like they used to be. You have gotten in a bind. You're no longer 16 yrs old and all your money is yours. You have rent or mortgage, car note or car notes, insurance, food, light, gas, water, home phone and/or cell phone, credit cards, etc. You're an adult now. You haven't won the lottery and it doesn't look like there are any relatives who have won the lotto! You're living off of credit cards. Buying bread at the gas station. Skipping one credit card payment to pay the other! You can only go so far during the weekend and weekdays because you have to have enough money to go to work and come back. You even contemplate driving to church. Why? "That's extra gas!" is what you say, right?
It's time to face reality. Lay it out there. Write all your expenses on paper. You say you know where you stand because you think about it all the time. That's why you can't sleep well at night! So, yes, you know what you pay monthly. It's all in your head! That's great but you NEED to write it down on paper. Yes! YES! YESSSSSSSSSSS! Do that now........I'll wait.
It didn't take you long because you know it. You ponder over those bills frequently. Now just don't write the creditor name down. Write the creditors' name, total amount due, due date, AND minimum amount. It's painful. You may cry. Growth is painful. Hence the name growing pains. It's time to face the music. That which you resist, will persist is what JoAnne Barnes,NSD of Mary Kay Cosmetics says. So, face it. Yeah, FACE IT! You've taken your first step to getting back on top! You will be there! You were there before!Take one step at a time. Get ready for your next step soon!

Save $5k..Here's How!

I know you've always wanted to save some money to have during the year! Sure you have set your goals. Then you scratch them out because monetarily, you dont see how you can do it! On the other hand, some of you are like "I'm getting that house next year!" I'm getting a house in 2 yrs!" You are focused! You know what you need to do to make it happen. Some folks have a goal in mind but no method to get there. Well, here it is! You want to save $5K? Here's how!
I bet you're thinking "Wow, am I going to be able to save that for the year!" It's your guide. It's your method that you needed! Now you know you can always tweak it. Somebody thought about saving $96.16 each week for 52 weeks! Guess what? You will still reach your goal of having saved $5K in just 12 short months!
How amazing it that? I know you can do it! Keep your mind on that end result. It may get a little challenging for you yet I know you can do it! I KNOW YOU CAN! rEMEMBER YOUR GOAL! Keep it in the front of your mind. In 12 months, you will have saved up $5k and will have met your purpose! I'm proud!!!

Friday, December 26, 2014

I Just Want To Breathe

Behind on credit card payments. Overextended on credit cards. Same monthly bills come in. Rent/mortgage, lights, gas, water, house phone, cellphone, groceries, car payment, gas for car. Same monthly payments each month. Same income each payday. Still more month than money EVERY single month. Same frustration. Staying up late day after day trying to figure out when can it end. Staying up late trying to figure out how did this happen. Will I be homeless? Will they repo my car?
You have been here? You have been here. When will it end? You want this cycle to be over. Debt? Debt, and more debt. On top of that, your student loan is in default. Unexpected expenses arises and you have NO savings. YOU are about to snap. You are at your wit's end! Your mortgage is 2 months behind because you mortgage almost doubled in 2 years since you built on undeveloped property. You knew what you should have been paying and did not set the other money to the side. Maybe you got into your home but you had an ARM (adjustable rate mortage) and this caused you to get behind because those payments kept rising but not your income. You're tired of the mortgage folks calling the first day after the due after day after day and sometimes 2x a day! Ugh! Pluuuuezzzz STOP CALLING ME! All you want to do is breathe. Breathe. Breathe. You want to smile. You want to get a good night's rest instead of worrying about if you are going to lose your home and/or your car. Is it possible to just breathe. Can you get your head above water? Guess what? You can!


Of course, we all say it! I'm going to do better next year, but do you? What do you do differently? Anything? Well, we want you to actually do better and see results at the end of 2015. First of all, dont wait until the beginning of 2015 to start a change. Get Ready! Get Ready! Get Ready! I have some ideas for you to choose from to have a better year than last! Let's get started! No matter what, you have got to have an accountability partner! Get someone that will hold you accountable to your dreams, visions, etc. Some people feel this is so silly yet it's important. Many times, we feel like we're adults and we can take care of ourselves. Just someone being in your corner pushing you to reach that goal is a much needed asset. When you think about deviating from the goal and your accountability partner calls, then you're back on track! Thank goodness! Let's say you set a goal that involves calling folks. You try and lessen the number of calls.
Your accountability partner is there to push you to make that call and more. He/she is there to push you to do things out of the ordinary. Maybe you keep saying you're going to write that book! You know you are not designating enough time to writing it! Guess what, that accountability partner may get on your nerves but you will become more cognizant of your goal and the work needed to make it come to fruition! Secondly, do something different. Okay, so you have been saving! Good for you! Well, this year take it a step higher. This year, complete more than one savings program. Have two or more programs and stay diligent and true to the program. Share your programs with someone else. What else can you do? Step out of your comfort zone. Increase your savings. $25 per month can be increased to $50 per month. Sounds scary? It's okay. You grow when you stretch your goals! Give back. It never hurts to give. Give your time to a youngster, elderly person, student having trouble with Mathematics, etc. Give back. You will feel so good for doing so.
Clean out your closet. You are not going to wear those clothes this upcoming year just like you didn't wear them last year. Give them to someone who needs them. Maybe a church member needs them. Maybe someone can use them at a shelter. Maybe you can just drop them off at Goodwill. What you dont want is someone else's treasure. Share. Give. Share. Give! Make 2015 your best year yet! Get started! Dont wait! Become a better you and make the world better.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

January is COMING....................

Yeah, I already know! You need to do something different in 2015. You know you need to save yet can't take that very first step! You are fearful. Maybe you feel you just can't do it. Maybe you don't have enough money to even get started (so you think). Well, I'm here to change all of that! It starts with ONE step. Just ONE is all it takes. I know! I know! I know. Since you want better! Let's do better! Starting with our finances, you can be ready to start January 1, 2015! I believe in you! It can be done! It will get done! SAVE EVERY DIME! SAVE EVERY DIME! That's one focus. I know you are thinking "how can I do that!" Let me tell you. Literally, save every DIME that comes into your possession. When you get a dime, save it! When you buy candy, and get change back. Get excited about the dimes and save them! When you get change from the grocery store, save that dime! So, let's go for it! You can do it in 2015! So get a jar and start saving every dime you get in 2015! I'm so excited for you and I'm your biggest cheerleader! You can do it!

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Unnecessary Spending

Two sets of glasses. Three packages of pens. Numerous folders. Shoes. Towels. How many times have you noticed that you have more than one of the above AND they are exactly the same? How many times have you gone out to purchase items you needed and later find out you already had it at home? Stop spending money you don't have and find time to organize. I just decided to clean out my front closet and found 2 storage tubs of gift bags in all sizes, designs, fabric, occasions, etc. Every time I need to give a gift away, I always think I just don't have the proper bag and to the store I go. Spending money unnecessarily. Just stop it! I bet if you start getting organized you will find gifts around the house still in the plastic that YOU can give to folks. Why buy a gift when it's already at home! Stop buying stuff and not using it for the purpose you bought it for! You're wasting money. You dont have time for that! Where could you start looking to find items you bought that you did not use? Begin where you don't want to start cleaning up. There's probably a treasure right there! Don't put it off. Do it today! Unnecessary spending is not a great trait. Saving can be fun and can begin by looking around the house. Saving just a little per month can add up to $100's of dollars saved by the end of the year. Maybe you bought the same picture frames. Use one as a wedding gift. You may even have two steamers! Do you need two? Give one away as a gift to a college student. It's a win-win for everybody! So start looking today. Get better organized and stop spending unnecessarily!