Thursday, January 2, 2014

Planning, Saving, and Retirement

As the New Year begins, thoughts empower us about having to do things differently from last year! Savings accounts need to grow. Retirement plans should be in effect. Plan B's should be in motion. Preparation is the key. To plan to fail is to plan to fail. It's a New Year! So if you haven't pledged to save a certain amount this year, then get started today! If you know it's close to retirement time, call your retirement system and see where you stand. Waiting until the last minute only stressed you out more. It's a New Year. Stress is not on the agenda for the FIRST week of the year, for sure!
It's amazing that some of us have worked almost 30 years and don't even have $20 for every year saved in the bank. That's a mere $600! Why? Because no planning took place. Some people are working but are one check from being homeless! Yes, they rely on the NEXT check before they even get the previous check. That's poor planning. The military adage is "Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance." The network marketers pen it as such " You work 40 years, 40 hours a week, to receive only 40% of your pay." So, if someone is going to retire in five (5) years and funds are low, wont' they be even lower in five (5) years based on the cost of living?
Retirement? Is it right around the corner? Is it years away? It doesn't matter. Planning is necessary. So why not pledge to save and plan in 2014! Most people need an additional savings (income) to "make it" on retirement. Giving a job all that time and years just isn't enough to live off of. Since this is a known fact, why not plan now to increase your savings. The main idea is to get started. Options are always everpresent before us. How much time is spent on thinking about retirement? What is its role? How much is needed? During one's retirement, worry should take a back seat or not even be present in the car. On the contrary, it's sometimes the norm. Change that!
Ambit Energy has changed many lives. It's even changed the lives of folks who never saw Ambit in their lives. Anbit Energy allows folks to save and make money with energy. If there's an interest in saving or making money, then this could be your answer to retirement. Social Security? Yes, they took it out of your check but is it enough to live on?
So planning, savings, and retirement are vital. Get started today!

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