Friday, January 2, 2015

You Didn't Know

Okay so your expenses are written down. Great! You have clarity on who you owe. You know that you pretty much have more month than money. So how can we earn more money to help tackle these bills? Here's an answer! Think of what skills you have! What skills do you have? What comes natural? What do you enjoy doing and could continue to do so without getting paid? What's your passion?
Can you write? Can you sing? Are you great with crafts? Maybe you are good at fixing computers or great at Mathematics? There's some need that you can fill for someone. Whatever your skill is somebody needs you. If you like creating jewelry pieces, you have a market. If you like to bake or cookie, somebody will eat it. Maybe you even like spreading The Word, you can create Tshirts with spiritual messages. I have a friend that does this right now and it's proven quite profitable! Just sit and think about what it is you are passionate about. Then think how you can generate income utilizing your talent. If you are having difficulties, just Google it! Look for ideas on Pintetest! Ask family and friends! I guarantee you there are numerous ways you will be able to add money to your household.
So here's a way to generate money by utilixing your skills and you didn't even know!