Saturday, November 29, 2014

January is COMING....................

Yeah, I already know! You need to do something different in 2015. You know you need to save yet can't take that very first step! You are fearful. Maybe you feel you just can't do it. Maybe you don't have enough money to even get started (so you think). Well, I'm here to change all of that! It starts with ONE step. Just ONE is all it takes. I know! I know! I know. Since you want better! Let's do better! Starting with our finances, you can be ready to start January 1, 2015! I believe in you! It can be done! It will get done! SAVE EVERY DIME! SAVE EVERY DIME! That's one focus. I know you are thinking "how can I do that!" Let me tell you. Literally, save every DIME that comes into your possession. When you get a dime, save it! When you buy candy, and get change back. Get excited about the dimes and save them! When you get change from the grocery store, save that dime! So, let's go for it! You can do it in 2015! So get a jar and start saving every dime you get in 2015! I'm so excited for you and I'm your biggest cheerleader! You can do it!